Before we discuss news from Flourish or share our quarterly article, we want to extend our most sincere condolences to the families affected by the senseless act of violence in Las Vegas. Additionally, our thoughts and prayers are with all of those impacted by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose and Maria. These man-made tragedies and natural disasters are overwhelming individually and seemed to happen too close together. The astounding outpouring of assistance from neighbors, strangers, first responders and charities provided an important silver lining when we needed one and served as a much-needed reminder of how good we can be to one another.
News from Flourish
We are not sad to say goodbye to quarter number three of 2017 given the above-mentioned happenings that shook the nation and dominated headlines. As we look ahead to the Fourth Quarter, personal and professional development is top of mind. Kathy Longo will be a Mentor at the FPA Financial Planning Residency Program from October 20-25. This intensive program builds experience in real life financial planning scenarios and establishes mentor relationships with preeminent thought leaders in the profession for new certified financial planners or soon-to-be CFP® professionals. Kathy is excited to share her experience with those new to the financial planning profession. Mark Anderson attended a three-day training in September for a new trading software program we are implementing that will help to improve client experience and streamline our business process.