News from Flourish
Happy Summer! I hope this newsletter finds you well and that you enjoyed Independence Day last week. We closed the office for two days for the team to better enjoy the mid-week holiday. My family spent the day catching up on projects around the house while reminding our younger kids that the 4th of July was not the official holiday of staring at online videos, then convinced our kids into a nice 9 holes of golf and a family dinner. Although not the most stressful or energetic of celebrations, it was still a tad difficult to get back into the swing of things come Friday morning! I suppose that is the downside of having a holiday in the middle of the week. You don’t want the fun to stop.
As you may have seen, last quarter was very busy and exciting both professionally and personally and I am eager to discuss that momentarily. But first, some meaningful upcoming dates we’d like to share. After news from the Flourish team, we are sharing an article on the importance and benefits of delegation and a market commentary from our Director of Investments, Jay Pluimer, AIF®, CIMA®.