Helping Teenagers Financially, Academically & Physically | Vol. 1

When you’re parenting a teenager, instilling positive habits around money, school, and health is imperative for their future success.

It’s normal for teens to ignore their parents sometimes, but we’re ultimately responsible for helping them develop the strong foundations they’ll carry into adulthood in just a few years. And, neuroscientists have found that one of the best ways to do this is to help our teens develop positive habits and routines.

For more information about Kathy Longo, her firm, and the great things they are doing for people like you, visit

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Kathy Longo Recognized as One of Money’s Best Financial Planners of 2024

Honored for High Marks in Qualifications, Trust, Services, and Customer Service

We’re proud to announce that Kathy Longo has been named one of Money’s Best Financial Planners for 2024. This recognition highlights her dedication to providing personalized financial advice and building lasting relationships with her clients.

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