Why You Should Spend Your Money on Experiences Instead of Possessions

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Our experiences in life shape us at our very core, but the same can’t be said about our physical possessions. Things. We all have so many of them, don’t we? Some of our material possessions are necessary aspects of modern life, but many are not. As you think about your life and creating long-lasting fulfillment, […]

The 2022 Bear Market is Over

The bottom of the 2022 bear market happened in mid-October when the market was down 25% on a year-to-date basis, but we’ve come a long way since then. The bottom of the 2022 bear market happened in mid-October when the market was down 25% on a year-to-date basis, and it was the second time the […]

Kathy Longo Recognized as One of Money’s Best Financial Planners of 2024

Honored for High Marks in Qualifications, Trust, Services, and Customer Service

We’re proud to announce that Kathy Longo has been named one of Money’s Best Financial Planners for 2024. This recognition highlights her dedication to providing personalized financial advice and building lasting relationships with her clients.

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