Episode 14: Owning the Moment

Transition is temporary, but one of the best things we can do for ourselves while in the midst of it is to take charge and own the moment. Right now in the world, so many people are going through transitions, many of which were unexpected. This is difficult. It’s painful. And it’s easy to feel […]

Identifying and Building Your Ideal Retirement Lifestyle

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The great retirement paradox is that there is so much time, and yet so very little of it. Yes, we are living longer, healthier lives, yet at some point, it will come to an end. So, what do we do with this new chapter of life that may last another twenty or thirty years? While that […]

Kathy Longo Recognized as One of Money’s Best Financial Planners of 2024

Honored for High Marks in Qualifications, Trust, Services, and Customer Service

We’re proud to announce that Kathy Longo has been named one of Money’s Best Financial Planners for 2024. This recognition highlights her dedication to providing personalized financial advice and building lasting relationships with her clients.

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