Discussing money matters with the people closest to you is a crucial step in achieving your goals and improving your financial health.
Your financial life won’t flourish in a vacuum, so it is crucial to engage in money conversations with the people around you. This includes your spouse or partner, your children, your aging parents, and even your close friends. Although these discussions may feel awkward at times, having them is an integral step in achieving your goals and improving your financial health in important ways.
This week’s challenge is all about opening the door to conversations with the people who influence you the most and tackling money topics proactively, rather than waiting for a crisis.
Don’t forget to visit https://flourishfinanciallychallenge.com to login and track your progress. Complete fifty challenges and you will receive a free hardcover copy of Kathy Longo’s book, Flourish Financially, as well as a customized Amazon Echo Dot. For more information about Kathy, her firm, and the great things they are doing for people like you, visit www.flourishwealthmanagement.com Don’t forget to leave a review on our Alexa skills and keep Flourishing!