You’re Ready to Take the Next Steps


Good work! According to your answers, you’ve had some positive conversations about money and you understand how critical it is to have a financial plan that can allow you to thrive in the future. The next step is to recognize opportunities to take your financial situation to a new level. Now is the perfect time to take another look at the plan you have in place to make cuts, additions, and revisions that will bring you closer to your goals.

Whether you and your partner work together to plan for your future, you are the sole decision-maker, or you handle your finances independently, it’s important to find ways to continue fostering positive money conversations. The right advisor can help you with these important conversations and move you confidently towards your goals in the way you choose. If you are currently working with an advisor or relying on other resources, it’s important to avoid confusing jargon and dismissive attitudes. Before your next financial conversation, think over the following questions:

In addition to moving forward with positive money conversations, you are in the position to incorporate other important considerations for your long-term plan. A few important examples include creating an Estate Plan, evaluating your investment options to minimize expenses, and considering if charitable giving should have a role in your financial plan. Working with the right advisor can help with each of these next steps.

Kathy Longo specializes in helping people create a plan for a future of financial freedom, helping them gain knowledge and independence along the way. She knows the struggle that many people face when handling their finances, and she is passionate about advising people in a way that makes them feel heard, confident, and empowered.

Book Your 30 minute one-on-one call with Kathy Longo
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